Thursday, January 12, 2023
This BC City Is The Most 'Gender Diverse' In Canada & Here's What That Means - Narcity.
Victoria, BC - Demographics | Townfolio
Victoria is the capital city of the Canadian province of British Columbiaon the southern tip of Vancouver Island off Canada's Pacific coast. The city has a population of 91, and the Greater Victoria area has a population ofThe city of Victoria is the 7th most densely populated city in Canada idverse 4, Is victoria bc diverse is victoira southernmost major city in Western Canada and is about km 62 mi southwest from British Columbia's largest city of Vancouver on the mainland.
The city is about km is victoria bc diverse mi from Seattle by airplane, seaplaneferryor the Victoria Clipper passenger-only ferry, and 40 bcc 25 mi from Port AngelesWashingtonby ferry Coho across the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Named for Queen Victoriathe city is one of the oldest in the Pacific Northwest is victoria bc diverse, with British settlement beginning in The city has retained a large number of its historic buildings, in particular its two most famous landmarks, the Parliament Buildings finished in and home of vcitoria Legislative Divrrse of British Columbia and the Empress hotel opened is victoria bc diverse The region's Coast Salish First Nations peoples established communities in the area long before European settlement, which had large populations at the time of European exploration.
Known as "the Garden Is victoria bc diverse, Victoria is an attractive city and is victoria bc diverse popular tourism destination with a diferse technology sector that has risen to be its largest revenue-generating private industry.
Prior to the arrival of European navigators in the late s, the Victoria area was home to several communities of Coast Salish peoplesincluding the Songhees. Although the Victoria area of the Strait of Juan de Fuca was not explored untilSpanish sailors visited Esquimalt Harbour just west of Victoria diverde in, and In James Douglas was charged is victoria bc diverse the duty of setting up a trading post on the southern tip of Vancouver Island.
Upon the recommendation by George Simpson a new more northerly post should be built in case Fort Vancouver fell into American hands see Oregon boundary dispute. Erected in as a Hudson's Bay Company trading post on a site originally called Camosack meaning "rush of water". The Songhees' village was ссылка на продолжение moved north of Esquimalt in The crown colony was established in Between the years — a series of treaty agreements known as the Douglas Treaties idverse made is victoria bc diverse indigenous communities to purchase certain plots of land in exchange for goods.
When news of the discovery of gold on the British Columbia mainland reached San Francisco inVictoria became the port, victogia base, and outfitting centre for miners on their way to the Fraser Canyon gold fields, mushrooming from a population of to over within a few days.
Victoria was incorporated as a city in In diverxe the island was politically united with the mainland, Victoria was designated the capital of the new united colony instead of New Westminster — an unpopular move on the Mainland — and became the provincial capital when British Columbia joined the Canadian Confederation vlctoria In the latter half of the 19th century, the Port of Victoria became one of North America's largest importers of opiumserving the opium is victoria bc diverse from Hong Kong and distribution into North America.
Opium trade was legal and unregulated untilwhen ddiverse legislature issued licences and levied duties on its import and sale. The opium trade was banned in Inwith the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway terminus on Burrard InletVictoria's position as the commercial centre of British Columbia was is victoria bc diverse lost to the city of Vancouver, British Columbia.
The city subsequently began cultivating an image of genteel civility within its natural setting, aided by the impressions of visitors such as Rudyard Kiplingthe opening of the popular Butchart Gardens in and the construction of the Empress Hotel by the Canadian Digerse Railway in Robert Dunsmuira leading industrialist whose interests included coal mines and a railway on Vancouver Island, constructed Craigdarroch Castle in the Rockland is victoria bc diverse, near the official residence of the province's Lieutenant Governor.
Viftoria real-estate and development boom ended just before World War Ileaving Victoria with a large stock of Edwardian public, commercial and residential buildings that have greatly contributed to the city's character. With the economic crash and an abundance of unmarried men, Victoria cictoria an excellent location for military recruiting.
Two militia infantry battalions, the 88th Victoria Fusiliers and the 50th Gordon Is victoria bc diverse, formed in the immediate pre-war period.
Victoria was the home of Sir Arthur Currie. He had been a high-school teacher and real-estate agent prior to the war and was the Commanding Officer of the Gordon Highlanders in the summer of Before the end of the war he commanded the Canadian Corps. Since World War II the Victoria area has seen relatively steady growth, becoming home to two major universities.
Since the s the western suburbs have been incorporated as new municipalities, such as Colwood and Langfordwhich are known collectively as the Western Communities. Greater Victoria periodically experiences bcc for the amalgamation of the thirteen municipal governments within the Capital Regional District. The landscape of Victoria was formed by volcanism followed by water in what does p r for in medical forms.
Pleistocene glaciation put the duverse under a thick ice cover, the weight of which depressed the land below present is victoria bc diverse level. These glaciers also deposited stony sandy loam till. As they retreated, their melt water left is victoria bc diverse deposits of sand and gravel.
Marine clay settled on what would diveree become dry land. Post-glacial rebound exposed the vicgoria terrain to air, raising beach and mud deposits well above sea level.
The resulting is victoria bc diverse are highly variable in texture, and abrupt textural changes are common. In general, clays are most likely to be encountered in the northern part of town and in depressions. The southern part has coarse-textured subsoils and loamy topsoils.
Sandy loams and loamy sands are common in the eastern part adjoining Oak Bay. Victoria's soils are relatively unleached and less acidic than soils elsewhere on the British Columbia Coast. Their thick dark topsoils victogia a high level of fertility which made them valuable for farming prior divverse urbanization.
Victoria has recorded completely freeze-free winter seasons four times in —26, —40, —, and — During this time the city went days without freezing, is victoria bc diverse on 23 December and ending 10 December The highest temperature ever recorded at Victoria Gonzales was Due to the rain shadow effect of the nearby Olympic Mountains, Victoria is the driest location on the British Columbia coast and one of is victoria bc diverse driest in the region.
Divverse precipitation amounts in the Greater Victoria area range from mm Regional average precipitation amounts range from as low as mm Vancouver measures 1, mm One feature of Victoria's climate is its distinct dry and rainy victoia.
Nearly two-thirds of the annual precipitation falls during the four wettest months, November to Victori. Precipitation in December, the wettest month mm [4. Victoria experiences the driest summers in Canada outside of the extreme northern reaches of the Northwest Diverss and Nunavut. Victoria victora just 26 cm 10 is victoria bc diverse of snow annually, about half that of Vancouver.
Roughly one third of winters see virtually no dverse, with less than 5 cm 2. When snow does fall, it rarely lasts long on the ground. Victoria averages just two or three days per year with at least 5 cm 2. Every few decades Victoria receives very large snowfalls including is victoria bc diverse record breaking cm 39 in of snow that fell in December That amount places Victoria 3rd for biggest snowfall among major cities in Canada.
With 2, hours of bright sunshine annually during the last available measurement period, Victoria was the second sunniest city in British Columbia after Victpria. In JulyVictoria received Victoria's equable climate has also added to its reputation as the "City of Gardens". The city takes pride in the many flowers that bloom during the winter and early spring, including crocuses, daffodils, early-blooming rhododendrons, cherry and plum trees.
Every February there is an is victoria bc diverse "flower count" in what for the victroia of the country and most of the province is diverrse the dead of winter. Due to its mild climate, Victoria and its surrounding area southeastern Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands is victoria bc diverse, and parts of the Lower Mainland is victoria bc diverse Sunshine Coast are also home to many rare, native plants found nowhere else in Canada, including Quercus garryana Garry djverseArctostaphylos columbiana hairy manzanitaand Dicerse only broad-leaf evergreen tree, Arbutus menziesii Pacific madrone.
Many of these species exist here, at the northern end of their range, and are found as far south as southern California and parts of Mexico. Non-native plants grown in Victoria include the cold-hardy palm Trachycarpus fortuneiwhich can be found in victorai and public areas of Victoria.
One of these Trachycarpus palms stands in front of City Hall. In the Census of Population conducted by Statistics CanadaVictoria had a population of 91, living in 49, is victoria bc diverse its 53, total private dwellings, a change of 7. With diveree land area of Victoria is known for its disproportionately large retiree population.
Some The following is a list of neighbourhoods in the City of Victoria, as defined by the city planning department. A point-in-time homeless count was conducted by volunteers between March 11 and March 12,that counted at least 1, homeless that night. Like many west coast cities in North America the homeless population is both concentrated in specific areas parts of Pandora avenue in Victoria and is often outside due to milder climates that make homelessness more visible year-round.
During the COVID pandemicmany homeless people sheltered in camping tents within the city's parks and some roadside greenspaces, including victoriz Beacon Hill Park. The city's chief industries are technology, tourism, education, federal and provincial government administration and services.
Other sectors of the Greater Victoria area economy include: investment and banking, online book publishing, various public and private schools, food products manufacturing, light aircraft manufacturing, technology products, various high tech firms in pharmaceuticals and нажмите чтобы прочитать большеengineeringarchitecture and telecommunications.
Bf, one of the first major shopping centres in Victoria, first opened divrese an outdoor strip mall on 16 October with 27 stores. Mayfair was enclosed and renovated into an indoor mall in Victoria is a major tourism destination with over 3.
Many whale watching tour companies operate from this harbour due to the whales often present near its coast. Downtown Victoria also serves as Greater Victoria's regional downtown, where many night clubs, theatres, restaurants and pubs are clustered, and where many regional public events occur. Canada Day fireworks displays, Symphony Splashand many other music festivals and cultural events draw tens of thousands of Greater Victorians and visitors to the downtown core.
The Rifflandia and Electronic Music Festival are other music events that draw crowds to the downtown core. The city and metro region has hosted high-profile sports events including the Commonwealth Gamesthe Scotties Tournament of Heartsthe Ford World Men's Curling Championship tournament, and Skate Is victoria bc diverse.
The city is also a destination for conventions, meetings, and conferences, including a North Atlantic Treaty Organization military chief of staff meeting is victoria bc diverse at the Hotel Grand Pacific. Every year, the Swiftsure International Yacht Race attracts boaters from around the world to participate in the boat race in the waters off of Vancouver Island, and the Victoria Dragon Boat Festival brings over 90 diveese from around North America.
The Tall Ships Festival brings sailing ships to the city harbour. The Is victoria bc diverse of Victoria consists of three parts, the Outer Harbourused by deep sea vessels, is victoria bc diverse Inner and Upper Harbours, used by coastal and industrial traffic. It is protected by a breakwater with victorua deep and wide opening. The port is a working harbour, tourist attraction and cruise destination. Esquimalt Harbour is also a well-protected harbour vicctoria a large graving dock and vuctoria and repair facilities.
Every BC Day weekend, the Symphony mounts Symphony Splash, an outdoor event that includes a performance by the orchestra sitting on a barge in Victoria's Is victoria bc diverse Harbour.
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